Tips for Planning a Surprise Party
If you have a loved one that you want to surprise with an amazing party, then you may be wondering how to pull off the perfect surprise party, well look no further, because all the hints and tips you need are right here.
Secrecy is Key
This is by far the most obvious tip for planning a surprise party but yet some people still don’t get it. You need to keep in mind that even if you don’t come right out and say it to the person, hints can be dropped without you even realising, so be on high alert and watch what you say to that person. Just make sure you tell all the guests to be careful as well.
Give Clear Instructions on the Invitation
The best way to help ensure that everyone is aware that they can’t speak about the party to the person in question is to stipulate clearly on the invite that it is a surprise party and that the person isn’t supposed to know. It is also important to give clear instructions on how to RSVP without the person clocking on, as well as the venue, what time to arrive and where to park to ensure that the surprise won’t be ruined. Ensure that the arrival time is for at least half an hour before the guest of honour is due to arrive.
Find a Couple of People You Can Trust and Count On
You’re going to need to tell the guest of honour that they are doing a different activity and that is why they need to go to the venue in question. But you’re going to need some people to help you. Get some trusted friends (not too many) that are close to the person in question. They will need to help you devise and execute a plan to get the person to the venue, with no hiccups. They will also need to be responsible for the RSVP’s. The best thing to do in this situation is to choose someone that doesn’t live with the person who you are throwing the surprise party for. This is your best chance of keeping it a surprise. If the person doesn’t live with the guest of honour, this is also a good place to store and hide decorations.
Make a Plan
Even when throwing a regular party, it is essential to plan. Things can go wrong left, right and centre with and event. You’re going to need two buffers, one at the party to keep track of guests who are arriving, as well as one with the guest of honour. You need to plan another activity that is believable, such as going out for dinner but remember that the times need to also match up to make it believable. Don’t say that you’re taking them for dinner if the party starts in the afternoon. When you’re on the way to the venue, notify the buffer who is holding the fort there. That way everyone will know the person is coming and will be ready to give them the surprise of their life.